Today’s Liturgy is animated by Infant Jesus Community. Next Sunday’s Liturgy will be animated by Parish Pastoral Council.
On Wednesday i.e on 18th October, St. Luke the Evangelist Feast will be celebrated at the evening mass at 7:00PM.
Mission Sunday will be celebrated on next Sunday i.e 22th October. The collection for the same will be given to Archdiocese of Bombay. Kindly be generous.
All those children who are receiving First Holy Communion in the month of January 2024 this year will have a meeting on Sunday i.e 22nd October soon after the morning Mass.
All those who have contributed to the Church Pews and the Stations of the Cross kindly collect your receipts next Sunday after the morning Mass.
Requesting all family members of the Parish to attend the Rosary conducted in their community.
Community Meetings: a) St. Lawrence community meeting will be held on Sunday i.e. 15th October at 8 PM at the residence of Kiran & Cynthia Dsa. Samata CHS H-19 0/1 Sec-4 Sanpada. b) Last Sunday box collection for 8th October, 2023 amounted to Rs. 9,130/- Thank you for your kind generosity.
Priest In charge
Fr. Francis Noronha